The 2TM Company provides full support to its clients when opening a business in Slovenia in order to ensure quick access to other markets of the European Union. There are two options to start your business here: register a new company (LLC) in Slovenia or open a branch office of an existing company. If you already have a successful business abroad, launching a branch office will give you the opportunity to introduce your services or products to new markets and increase the company’s revenue. Let us consider both options for starting a business in Slovenia.

Registration of a Company or a Branch Office

The first thing to do when initiating the registration of an LLC in Slovenia is to obtain Slovenian tax identification numbers for all founders and representatives. This is also necessary when registering a subsidiary (a branch office). In this case, you will also need to obtain a Slovenian tax identification number for the parent company. To obtain tax numbers, you must provide copies of valid passports of all persons involved and fill out an application with the competent state authority. We are ready to receive Slovenian tax identification numbers on your behalf on the basis of a power of attorney within 8 days.

At the second stage, you need to decide on the name of the company and the types of activities related to your business. It is necessary to determine the main type of activity and secondary activities. This list can include almost all types of activities that the company will be engaged in both at the initial stage of operation and in the future. As for the name of the company, it is necessary to check in advance with the competent administrative authority the availability of the name and its compliance with the Slovenian standards.

A branch office is part of the parent company and not a separate legal entity. This means that the parent company is responsible for the conduct of business at the branch office. Therefore, it can only register the same activities as the parent company. The subsidiary is also named after the parent company.

The third step is to find an office for operation and determine a legal address in Slovenia. To register a legal address, you need to provide an application from the owner of the building, at which your company (an LLC or a branch office) will be registered. If you yourself are the owner of the property in Slovenia, then the application shall be signed by you. In the case of renting premises, the application shall be signed by the owner of the property. The signature must be officially certified. This can be done at any administrative unit in Slovenia, at a notary or at VEM offices.

The fourth step is to open a temporary bank account and deposit the authorized capital, the minimum amount of which in Slovenia makes 7,500 EUR. After depositing the authorized capital, the bank issues a confirmation of the deposit. It is important to know that there is no need to open a business account in Slovenia to register a branch office. You can use your parent company’s business account abroad.

At this stage, you can apply to the competent court in Slovenia with a package of documents for company registration. Within one week, the court decides on the registration of the company. When the company is officially registered and listed in the Business Registry of Slovenia (in Slovenian – Poslovni register Slovenije), the company manager must change the temporary bank account of the company to a permanent one. The company will then be able to start its business operation.

Opening a branch office does not require the contribution of the authorized capital, since the branch office is not a separate legal entity. A branch office can be opened on the basis of a power of attorney – that is, your personal presence is not required. It will be registered within 14 days after submission of documents.

Services Offered by 2TM d.o.o.

Our experts will be glad to consult and accompany you when registering a company as well as at the further stages – when obtaining a work and residence permit and when reuniting with your family. Each client’s situation is individual. Our goal is to explore all the options and find the best solution for you. We add that we cooperate with clients after registration of the company offering high-quality and affordable accounting services, virtual office services and legal address.

For more information, please contact us at [email protected] or send a detailed description of your situation through the feedback form on our website.

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